DiscoverThe DeckThe Deck Investigates S1 | Part 2
The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 2

The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 2

Update: 2024-09-041


This podcast delves into the unsolved murder of Darlene Hulse, a case that has haunted her family and the community of Argus, Indiana for decades. The investigation begins with Sergeant Dave Yokelett noticing a pattern in violent crimes in Marshall County, including Darlene's murder, Pam's attempted rape, and Brandy's murder. He suspects a connection between these cases and requests the FBI's assistance in profiling the perpetrator. The FBI's profile suggests a white male in his late 20s to early 30s with a history of violence against women. Darlene's daughter, Kristen, takes it upon herself to push for answers, facing resistance from authorities. The podcast host and reporter join the investigation, uncovering new information and connecting the dots. They investigate Kenneth McEun Jr., a man with a history of violence and a potential connection to the case. They also explore the possibility of John Paul Clark, a violent fugitive who escaped from jail just days before Darlene's murder. The investigation takes a turn when the podcast host discovers a family tree on Prosecutor Nelson Shipman's whiteboard, leading them to investigate the Parsons family. Shipman's conflicting statements about Daryl Lemon and the Parsons family raise concerns about his honesty and motives. The podcast concludes that the case is complex and there are multiple potential suspects, leaving the question of Darlene's killer unanswered.


The Unsolved Murder of Darlene Hulse

This episode begins with a brief introduction and sets the stage for the investigation into the murder of Darlene Hulse. The podcast host introduces the case and the key players involved, including Darlene's family, the police, and the prosecutor.

A Pattern of Violence

Sergeant Dave Yokelett notices a pattern in violent crimes in Marshall County, including Darlene's murder, Pam's attempted rape, and Brandy's murder. He suspects a connection between these cases and requests the FBI's assistance in profiling the perpetrator.

Seeking FBI Assistance

Sergeant Yokelett requests the FBI's assistance in profiling the perpetrator of Darlene's murder. He also shares details of Pam's case, hoping the FBI will see the connection he suspects.

Kristen Takes Charge

Darlene's daughter, Kristen, decides to take her mother's cold case into her own hands. She reaches out to authorities but faces resistance and dismissal.

A New Start, A Persistent Hope

Darlene's family moves away from Argus after her murder, seeking a fresh start. However, they still visit family back in Argus and hope for a breakthrough in the case. Kristen continues to push for answers, but faces resistance from the prosecutor's office.

New Hope, Stalled Investigation

Prosecutor Chipman announces plans to use new DNA technology to solve Darlene's case. Kristen is hopeful but faces setbacks as the investigation stalls.

A Wild Journey Begins

The podcast host reaches out to Kristen on Facebook and offers to help with the investigation. They begin to uncover new information and connect the dots in the case.

The Gatekeeper of the Case

The podcast host and reporter face resistance from Prosecutor Chipman, who refuses to cooperate with their investigation. They learn that he is the gatekeeper of the case, despite not being a detective.

A Ride Along with the Prosecutor

Prosecutor Chipman takes the reporter on a ride along to the crime scene, sharing his theories about Darlene's murder and the potential escape route of the killer.

The Triangle of Connections

Prosecutor Chipman highlights a geographic triangle connecting Darlene's house, Brandy's house, and the buried bus property. He remains suspicious of the family who owned the property.

A Bigger Picture Emerges

The podcast host and reporter believe that the case is more complex than anyone realizes. They decide to investigate further and uncover new information about Kenneth McEun Jr.

Digging Up Records

The reporter visits the Marshall County Courthouse to dig up records on Kenneth McEun Jr. She uncovers new information about his past crimes and his potential connection to Darlene's murder.

Pam's Story

The reporter interviews Pam, the victim of Kenneth McEun Jr.'s attempted rape. Pam shares her story and details the similarities between her attack and Darlene's murder.

Investigating the Land

The podcast host and reporter investigate the land where Darlene's body was found and discover that it was owned by Kenneth McEun Jr.'s family. They also uncover information about Kenneth's past jobs and his access to cars.

Confronting Kenneth

The podcast host and reporter visit Kenneth McEun Jr. at his home and ask him about his potential involvement in Darlene's murder. Kenneth is defensive and denies any involvement.

A Medical Mystery

The podcast host and reporter uncover medical records from Kenneth McEun Jr.'s doctor visits, revealing that he was experiencing stress and nervousness around the time of Darlene's murder.

Bad Seed: John Paul Clark

The podcast host and reporter discuss another potential suspect in Darlene's murder, John Paul Clark. They plan to investigate further in the next episode.

The John Paul Clark Lead

The podcast explores a potential suspect, John Paul Clark, whose name surfaced in the investigation. Clark was a violent fugitive who escaped from jail in 1984, just days before Darlene's murder. The podcast investigates his criminal history and his possible connection to the case.

Sherry Dodson-Lasser's Testimony

Sherry Dodson-Lasser, the victim of John Paul Clark's 1984 attempted murder and attempted rape, shares her harrowing experience. She describes how Clark posed as a stranded motorist to gain entry to her home, then threatened her and her children before attacking her.

John Paul Clark: A Suspect Remains

Despite John Paul Clark's denial and refusal to cooperate, the podcast concludes that he cannot be ruled out as a suspect in Darlene's murder. His violent history, the use of a fireplace poker, and his presence in Indiana during the time of the murder make him a compelling person of interest.

The PI's Best Lead: Daryl Lemon

The podcast introduces Daryl Lemon, a person of interest identified by a private investigator who previously worked on Darlene's case. Daryl had been staying in Argus during the summer of 1984, and multiple tips linked him to the murder.

The Berger's Testimony

Larry and Bonnie Berger, the couple who hosted Daryl Lemon in their home, provide conflicting accounts of his whereabouts on the day of Darlene's murder. Their testimony raises questions about Daryl's involvement and the reliability of their information.

Daryl Lemon: A Suspect with a Dark Past

The podcast explores Daryl Lemon's potential involvement in Darlene's murder. Despite his lack of a criminal history, the private investigator believes Daryl's behavior and actions align with the characteristics of a murder suspect.

Nelson Shipman's Conflicting Statements

The podcast examines Prosecutor Nelson Shipman's conflicting statements about Daryl Lemon and his involvement in the case. Shipman's claims about Daryl's death and his connection to a family tree raise questions about his honesty and the reliability of his information.

The Parsons Family: A New Lead

The podcast reveals a new lead in the case: the Parsons family. The podcast host discovered a family tree on Nelson Shipman's whiteboard, which led him to investigate the Parsons brothers, who were in their 20s at the time of Darlene's murder.

Nelson Shipman's Deception

The podcast explores the possibility that Nelson Shipman has been intentionally misleading the podcast hosts. His conflicting statements about Daryl Lemon and the Parsons family raise concerns about his motives and his role in the investigation.


Cold Case

A criminal investigation that has been inactive for a significant period, often due to lack of evidence or leads.

DNA Testing

A forensic technique used to identify individuals based on their unique genetic makeup. It can be used to solve crimes by comparing DNA samples from suspects to evidence found at the crime scene.

Serial Killer

A person who commits two or more murders, often with a pattern or signature.

Geographic Profiling

A technique used to predict the location of a criminal's home or base of operations based on the location of their crimes.


A person who is suspected of committing a crime.

Person of Interest

A person who is of interest to law enforcement in a criminal investigation, but who has not been formally named as a suspect.

Circumstantial Evidence

Evidence that suggests a person's involvement in a crime, but does not directly prove it.


An event that happens by chance, without any apparent cause or connection.


  • What pattern did Sergeant Dave Yokelett notice in the violent crimes in Marshall County?

    Sergeant Yokelett noticed a two-year interval between three violent crimes, including Darlene's murder, Pam's attempted rape, and Brandy's murder. He suspected a connection between these cases.

  • Why did Sergeant Yokelett request the FBI's assistance?

    Sergeant Yokelett requested the FBI's help in profiling the perpetrator of Darlene's murder. He also hoped the FBI would see the connection he suspected between Darlene's case and Pam's case.

  • What was the FBI's profile of Darlene's killer?

    The FBI profile suggested that the killer was a white male in his late 20s to early 30s, with a limited education and a history of disruptive behavior. He was likely a loner with poor interpersonal skills and a history of violence against women.

  • What was Kristen's role in the investigation?

    Kristen, Darlene's daughter, decided to take her mother's cold case into her own hands. She reached out to authorities but faced resistance and dismissal. She continued to push for answers and eventually helped to reignite the investigation.

  • What new information did the podcast host and reporter uncover about Kenneth McEun Jr.?

    The podcast host and reporter uncovered medical records from Kenneth McEun Jr.'s doctor visits, revealing that he was experiencing stress and nervousness around the time of Darlene's murder. They also discovered that he was in the business of spraypainting cars during that time.

  • What is the significance of the buried bus property?

    The buried bus property is located within a geographic triangle that also includes Darlene's house and Brandy's house. Prosecutor Chipman remains suspicious of the family who owned the property, but there is no concrete evidence linking them to Darlene's murder.

  • What is the current status of the investigation?

    The investigation is ongoing. Prosecutor Chipman has confirmed that they have obtained partial DNA results from evidence in Darlene's case, but they have not yet been able to identify a suspect. The podcast host and reporter continue to investigate and uncover new information.

  • What evidence suggests that John Paul Clark might be involved in Darlene's murder?

    John Paul Clark was a violent fugitive who escaped from jail just days before Darlene's murder. He was known to use a fireplace poker, the same weapon used to kill Darlene. Additionally, he was in Indiana during the time of the murder, making him a potential suspect.

  • Why does the podcast host suspect that Nelson Shipman might be intentionally misleading them?

    Nelson Shipman has made conflicting statements about Daryl Lemon and the Parsons family. He claimed Daryl was dead, but he was still alive. He also pointed to a property as belonging to the Lemons family, but it actually belonged to the Parsons family. These inconsistencies raise concerns about his honesty and his motives.

Show Notes

This is The Deck Investigates Season One, episodes 7-12. 

  • Click HERE to sign the petition and demand justice for Darlene Hulse.
  • If you believe you have information about Darlene Hulse’s 1984 abduction and murder in Argos, Indiana, please email

To view information and photos referenced in these episodes, visit:


Find more of The Deck Investigates on social media.

The Deck Investigates is hosted by Ashley Flowers. 

Text Ashley at +1 (317) 733-7485 to share your thoughts about the case, discuss all things true crime, get behind the scenes updates, and more!









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The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 2

The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 2
